TESTIMONIALS Web Button (satisfaction customer experience vote)Getting testimonials for your product/site can be a real bitch. (Been there done that, and wearing the tee shirt)…

One of the worst things you can do however is falsify them. It can be an incredibly tempting thing to do, but if you’re ever found out, your credibility is totally shot, and don’tt forget, stuff can linger for ever on the Internet.

I found this article online and thought it was pretty good, so read and take note…

Also pay attention to #6: Soliciting customer testimonials in a fun way, and #7: Stress-free asking.


One thing I would add, I always offer a free viable link to the person who is giving me the testimonial. Some folks argue this makes your site ‘leaky’ when it comes to ranking in Google etc, but I’ve never really bothered about that. As far as I’m concerned, one good turn deserves another…

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