This is a great idea for increasing the conversions on your website, pretend to be a customer and check it out!!

Use a second email address then go to your website and opt-in just as if you were a customer and see what happens.

What page are you directed to and how does it come across to you? What does the email you receive look like? Is it formatted correctly? What does the tone feel like?

Look at everything on your site as if you’ve never seen it before, as if you’re a prospect visitng for the very first time. What questions do you have? What is confusing or even annoying about your site? What needs to be changed? For instance do you have too many adverts?

Now take it a step further and try to opt-in a second time. Why? Because you’ll have prospects come to your site’s, opt-in page, and then at a later date try to opt-in again to get certain content or whatever.

Are they able to opt-in again, or do they get that frustrating message that says “YOU’VE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED”?

Monitor the emails you receive as a customer and remember to read them just as if you know nothing about your site, your products and services, and you.

Doing this will give you an entirely new perspective and open your eyes to those things that might be hurting your conversions.

    1 Response to "Be a Super-Sleuth and Investigate Your Own Site.."

    • Richard

      Keep chipping away with the good work Kim. It’s always an interesting read.

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