Tony Robbins is fond of saying “Success leaves clues,” and he’s right. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to choose your method of attaining your goal, then reverse engineer your way to success.

Let’s say your goal is to make $10,000 a month with your online business, I’d say that’s pretty much an attainable goal among Internet marketers.

How do you want to make that income? Perhaps you want to create and sell products in a particular niche, list build, or build a membership site, if so, your first step is to decide what it is you want to do and what niche you want to do it in.

Run some numbers. For example, if you’re creating products then you need to sell 100+ $97 products a month to reach $10,000 a month. Or sell twice that many if you’re using affiliates and paying 50% commissions. (BTW, don’t under estimate the power of affiliates selling your products)..

If you’ve got your niche selected but you don’t know what to do next, then find some big marketers in that particular niche and get on their lists. See what they’re doing, what they’re saying, and what they’re selling. This should give you some terrific ideas in a short period of time. Write down all your ideas, even the ones you think are silly or beyond your reach. Please don’t copy anyone else’s stuff though, you’re just looking to see how they do it.

Tip Don’t whinge and bitch because they are sending you emails selling stuff, read em and learn the process.

Now narrow your choices down. You may have decided to create a blog, build a list and sell affiliate products and/or your own membership site. Now you have a plan coming together. you can get basic info from the Internet on starting your blog and list building to get you started.

Next, you’re going to analyze what your competitors do that works for them in terms of blogging, list building, selling affiliate products etc in your niche.

If you want to know the real secrets of what the best marketers do, then you should watch what they do. That’s why you joined your competitors’ lists, to see how and what they’re doing. Or in other words, do what they do, not what they say…

Questions to research:
How do they get their traffic?
Where do they get their links?
Who are their affiliates?
What is their content strategy?
What is their unique selling point?
How do they structure their websites?
Who is their audience?
What is their website or product missing?
And so on.

Success is often relatively simple, because no matter what you want to do, someone has already done it. You don’t need to reinvent anything because it’s already been done. You just need to find out what was done successfully then go do it yourself.

I’ll reiterate. Don’t pinch stuff and don’t infringe upon anyone else’s copyright. You wouldn’t like it if it was done to you plus you could be sued. Outsource anything you can’t do for yourself.

You’ll never be successful stealing other people’s content, if you do, you’ll get yourself a bad name. Create your own brand, your own unique selling proposition and your own unique content.

Focus your efforts on taking care of your customers and you’ll find the money tends to take care of itself.

You already have the capability to discover exactly what is working, because success leaves clues. All you have to do is play detective, follow the clues and get busy reverse engineering your own success story.

    2 replies to "Reverse Engineer Your Way To Success.."

    • Robert

      Reverse engineering – what a great idea, Kim – thank you for the reminder.

      Every thing moves so quickly online, I tend to forget some of your golden nuggets from yester-year.

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